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We're helping reduce the Gender Pay Gap.

To celebrate International Womens Day and the publication of the WGEA Gender Pay Gap data in Australia, we are offering completely free measurement and benchmarking of your application experience for 60 days.

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How do women feel compared to men when applying to you?  What is driving any inequity in candidate experience?  How can we fix it?  Benchmarcx can show you.


You will be able to see if your application process is more favourable for a particular gender, and what element of the process is driving this, including careers site content. You can also benchmark your results against our industry data by role, industry and location.

All you need to do is add our Benchmarcx survey URL into your application acknowledgement email template to candidates.

Why are we doing this?

We know that closing the gender pay gap is not just about pay equity, it is about under-presentation of women in the recruitment process and therefore in the workforce. The source of the issue is often in recruiting.

By working towards equity of candidate experience, we ensure women apply and remain in the recruiting process, do not opt
 out, but also are not potentially unfairly rejected.


All surveys are anonymous.


How to get involved.

To get involved (you must have signed up for free by IWD on the 8th March) sign up below.



Time is up - sorry you missed our offer but check out how else you can start benchmarking your candidate experience with us today.

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